I’m always looking for good information in regards to tips and tricks on how to make my blog successful, and I get an awful lot of emails asking for advice on food blogging.  So here’s a round-up of fabulous tips and tricks from fabulous food blogs and elsewhere that have been very helpful to me.  There’s an enormous amount of talent in the food blogging world, and when everyone contributes their expertise, it’s appreciated and helpful.  I’m happy to share with you… 150+ links for pretty much everything you want to know about food blogging.

  • After having MANY problems with some of the big name companies, I opted for using a smaller company called YellowFiber Networks (great, quick, responsive service, they know WordPress- and they keep my site up and running with few, if any, problems!)
  • Other recommended hosting companies from blog friends: Liquid Web  and BlueHost


  • The Importance of Blog Backups by The Blog Maven
  • Carbonite (I used to use Carbonite before I got a MAC.  This company does not back up external hard drives)
  • CrashPlan (This is what I use to back up all of the content on my MAC.  I love Crashplan because it backs up external hard drives too…and the cost is reasonable.  I bought a plan for all of the computers in my house, and it was about $150 for a year with unlimited computers).  My hosting company auto backs-up my blog content daily.
  • Sucuri:  I don’t use this one, but a lot of people have recommended it for malware detection, cleanup and protection.
  • Last Pass:  Remembers ALL of your passwords for you, so you don’t have to.  I have this, and it has been a lifesaver.



  • This has not been updated.


Disclosure:  There are a few Amazon affiliate links included in this post (where recommended products are shared) and other affiliate links too.

Have I forgotten a fabulous resource that you’re aware of?  Please share in the comments below…

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  1. Samantha says:

    I have clicked on many of these and I am so educated now! I really appreciate this post 🙂 I’m excited to take some of the tips and apply them to my blog!!

  2. Hillary Davis says:

    Lori!!! You are a whirlwind! What a wonderful, totally comprehensive list. I am printing out, pinning, and sharing. Best of luck on your new cookbook!!!!!

  3. Anne says:

    Amazing round up! Thank you for sharing (and for including me)!

  4. Heidi @foodiecrush says:

    Okay, I can go home now, it’s all here! What a list. Thanks for thinking of others and giving away your secret stash of resources, because that IS what it’s all about.

  5. Kim P says:

    Thank you so much! This is an amazing list of information. Looking forward to seeing your cookbook!

  6. Jamie G says:

    WOW! This has to be the best list/round up of links ever posted. I love how incredibly helpful and generous the food blogging community is. When I started almost six years ago the only think I knew was that I loved cooking and sharing food with others and thought a website would be a wonderful outlet for that. I am constantly improving myself and learning more daily. I will refer to this often!

  7. Ann M Godfrey says:

    Thank you so much for this post…..I have a lot of homework to do.

  8. Jeni Elliott says:

    Wow, Lori, this is probably the most helpful, comprehensive list I’ve *ever* seen. Thanks for including me in your lineup! I’ll be adding this one to my “Blogging” board on Pinterest. Great work!

  9. Tieghan says:

    WOW!! This is maybe the greatest most informative post ever! I am so excited to go through each and every link! Thank you so much Lori!

  10. Stephanie @ Girl Versus Dough says:

    This. Is. Awesome. Lori, thank you SO much for taking the time to put this all together! I’m definitely bookmarking this for future reference.